GAMES <||>

Mario Andretti's Racing Challenge.


Super Mario All-Stars (1993).

Mario Kart Wii.

Mario Bros. Hangman.

Super Mario Kart ZX.

Mario Tennis (2000).

First-Person Paper Mario.

Mario Game Test.

Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS.

Mario and Ashroid Battle Galaxy Prototype.

Super Mario Run 3.

Mario Forever.

Mario Time.

Mario Low Budget.

Dog Mario (Antonio Losavio).

Mario Bros. II.

Mario 128 - Demo.

This Is Not Mario 2.

Autmn Cat Mario.

CORE (MarioNieto).

Mario Pong.

Mario Clone Game.

Super Mario Bros. 3 - Ice World lvl.6 Remake.

Super Mario's Wacky Worlds.

Counting Mario.


Mario's Normal Day (Public Demo).

Marion Road Revenge.

Mario Golf.

Mario extended in the autumn afternoon.

Mario 64 maker.

Electro Mario Basics Horror Edition (A Alex Basics Mod).

Color Jump (MariosKoukoulis).

Mario Kart 64 (1996).

Super Mario Bros 5.

Mario Simulator..

Mario is gone.

Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3.