GAMES <||>

Gay Black Mario under HASCII.

Cube Dodger (isaacyoshimario).

Mario Raptor.

Mario's Time Machine.

Jomário's Tale.

Mario Party 6.

Mario e Luigi - Eduardo Queiroz.

Mario Bros. II.

Mario Level Generation.

Mario (GameSavel).

Mario Golf.

Mario Duck Hunt | Mario Games.

Super Mario Kart.

Mario Hangman.

Mario Takes a Piss.

Mario Clickers.

Mario's Normal Day (Public Demo).


Mario Gun Fight (Work In Progress).

Mario kart 64 but it's faster.

Super Mario Bros Lost-Land.

TSTD's Super Mario World Maker v.6 Remix Demo (Scratch 3.0).

Super Mario Bros. 3 - Ice World lvl.6 Remake.

Team 24?: Its just Mario???.

Mario Pinball Land (2004).

Cat Mario Run.

Mario is gone.


Super Mario 3D.

Rocktop Mario.

Sidetracked (komehara, FirahFabe, Marionette).

Mario's Cement Factory C64.

Angry Mario(Beta).

Super Mario Maker.

Mario Kart: Double Dash.

ElectricMario's Maze of Shit and Keys 2.

Infinite Mario Bros.

Mario Infinite.

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash.