GAMES <||>

Prime Blazers: The Communist Mariofesto.

Mario Bros. (1983).

Stats for Mario Kart 8.

TSTD-'s Super Mario Maker Ver 6.

Unexpected (Mariothedog).

Super Mario Advance.

Mario world gba.

Super Mario 3D World.

Bruc by Mario Nieto.

4 - Super Mario Bros.

Mario extended in the autumn afternoon.

Mario and the lost ring.

Mario Kart 8.

Save Them (itch) (Mariothedog).

Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move.

Rabbit Mario.

Mario & Wario.

Game & Watch: Mario's Cement Factory.

Mario Kondo Bizzarre Adventure.

Mario FranWorld.

Super Mario Typing Bros.

Exercice Remake Super Mario Kart.

mario go kart.

Mario Golf (1999).


Every Copy Of Mario 64 Is Personalized (By Puffle D.).

Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii: Holiday Special (ROM Hack).

New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

Super Mario Bros. PC.

Mario kart pc.

Super Mario 64 (itch).

Mario Raptor.

Baldi'sBasics w/ Mario 64 mod.

VVitching Hour: Marionette Night.

Mario Calculator.


Mario Goes to the Fridge to get a Glass of Milk 2.

Super Mario Bros 5.

Dog Mario (khooroko).